RCS Corporation (hereto referred to as the company) follows the following policies to protect personal information, construct safeguards for that information. The company will also construct thorough measures so that all employees will be aware of the strict measures in order to safeguard the privacy of personal information.

Management of Personal Information

The company will preserve the most updated version of the customer’s personal information. In order to prevent the loss of access, data loss, damage, manipulation and the disclosure of that information, the company will employ measures to have staff thoroughly trained to employ and maintain a security system. The company will also employ strict measures to preserve the safety of the information.

Sharing and Sending of Personal Information to a 3rd Party

The company, when appropriately handling personal information from a customer, excluding the following situations, will not show personal information to a 3rd party

  • With the consent of the customer.
  • In the situation of the company showing to a business that has work cosigned by the company, in order to perform a service desired by the customer.
  • When required to be shared based on laws and regulations.

Safety Measures for Personal Information

The company, in order to assure the accuracy and safety of the handling of personal information, takes measures to ensure flawless security.

Direct inquiry

If a customer wishes to inquire, revise or delete one’s personal information, we will handle the request upon confirmation with the person in question.

Revision of Compliance With Laws and Norms

The company, when concerning the retention of personal information in compliance with Japanese laws and regulations as well as other norms, the policy is to employ those improvements that are suitable revisions.


If you need to contact the company regarding the handling of personal information,
please use the contact information below.

RCS Corporation.

1001 Valier Toyama, 2-3-9, Okubo
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0072, Japan
TEL. +81 3-5155-6979
FAX. +81 3-5155-6952